This podcast is made possible by support from and the Heritage of Innovation interview series.

Many people think touch is a “new” thing as result of products introduced in the last few years. In reality, touch is just one example of innovations building on top of previous innovations. This weeks interview is with Jim Sutton. Jim led the team that introduced the first touch PC in 1983!
As it normally goes, the interview gets off track and covers a wide range of topics including:
- HP 150 and how the product came about
- The creation of graphics user interfaces
- The challenges of companies to innovate outside their core area of existing product and serivces
- Advice for future innovators
- Discussion on the team bonding experience and life after a market impacting innovation
For more information on the HP 150, visit:
- HP Journal 1984 , Volume , Issue August-1984
- HP Museuem (not affiliated with HP) The HP 150
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