This page contains a summary of all of the past shows in the form of an archive. They are presented in date order starting with the newest. If you are looking for a specific topic, I would suggest you use the search function to the right.
Creating Insanely Simple Innovations
Dateline: Saratoga, CA Segment 1: Insane Simplicity Easy to make the simple complex Hard to make the complex simple The reasons so many teams get it wrong Teams design the product/solution for themselves rather than the customer Lack of emersion with the customer Minimal early validation Suggestions to get it right Hire an anthropologist (study […]Read More »Brain On Auto-Pilot – How do you stop your brain from operating in auto-pilot mode?
Dateline: Saratoga, CA Segment 1: Brain On Auto-Pilot – The brain takes over even when the eyes are seeing something else – Example: Riding on an escalator that is broken – Make sure to turn the auto-pilot off when you are brainstorming Ignore the “voice” Ignore the “catch” or the hesitation Ignore the “editor” Ignore […]Read More »10 Infrastructure Requirements For The Creative Economy
Segment 1: 10 Infrastructure Requirements For The Creative Economy Establish innovation friendly education system Establish a set of BOG’s (Bold Outrageous Goals) to focus research and investment Strengthen links between research and industry Encourage innovation transfer between research and industry Provide R&D tax (investment) incentive to encourage investments Nurture local & regional innovation funding Support […]Read More »High Performance Innovation Teams
Dateline: Saratoga, CA Segment 1: High Performance Innovation Teams – Create a Bold Outrageous Goal (BOG) – Identify an Enemy – Freedom from the corporate hairball – Assign the “right” resources – The right team mix 1 Strong Visionary – the sole of the innovation being creating 1 “Radar O’Reilly” – they can fix any […]Read More »Innovation Economy Speech at Reuters
Dateline: New York City, NY (on September 11, 2006) Segment 1: Speech at Reuters Trends Things are changing There is a transition to a new economy Industrial Economy … moved to …. Knowledge/Information Economy … moving to … Creative/Innovation Economy .. is coming …. The transition will impact you business and your career Key Enablers […]Read More »Corporate Corruption Of Innovation
Segment 1: Corporate Corruption Of Innovation Phases of corporate adoption of innovation Ignore – hope that it goes away It’s for others – not an issue for us Maybe its something we should look into URGENT – We are behind Chief Innovation Officers does not equal innovation How do you know if an organization is […]Read More »Resource Constraints Impact On Innovation

The Role Of Innovation – What is the role of innovation in large enterprises?
The Role Of Innovation This is a recording of a live speech at Sprint on the topic of the Role of Innovation. Why Innovation? Innovation yeilds a 30% return versus 8 to 10% for capital investments Value From Innovation (source: Harvard Business Review, October 2004) 14% of the total R&D spend is the investment […]Read More »Five Fears Of Innovators and External Innovation Networks

Best Time To Innovate and Proactive Ways To Find Ideas
Dateline: Atlanta, GA Segment 1: Best Time To Innovate Use a log to track and find your most creative hours If you are a Morning Person – 6:00AM to 8:00AM Of you are a Night Owl – 10:00AM to noon Segment 2: Proactive Ways To Find Ideas Have regular sessions Use the dates as a […]Read More »Overcoming Innovation Block and How To Prevent Innovation

Creative Failure Methodology and Becoming An Innovation Evangelist

Listening Skill and Rules Of Future Forecasting

Observation Skills and Contradictions

Transition To The Creative Economy
Dateline: Washington D.C. This is a ‘quick’ podcast containing the speech I gave last week. The topic was the transition from the knowledge/information economy to the creative economy. The audience was local political and business leaders from the Washington D.C. area. Note: This speech is very U.S. centric so I apologize to the non-US listeners. […]Read More »Personal Barriers To Creativity
Dateline: Sunnyvale, CA Segment 1: Personal Barriers To Creativity Segment 2: Keeping Up On The Reading Segment 3: Killer Question of the Week Apple Podcasts | RSS | MoreRead More »Return Of The Lone Inventor

Importance of the Innovation Process