During a recent meeting where team members provide updates on their innovation projects, one of the project leads pushed back when I challenged the team to “go faster”. All the person said was: Law #4.

The person was quoting from a blog post called the 7 Laws of Innovation. Law #4 is the Law of Patience. In this case, the project lead was on the mark by pushing back on me. I had gotten so excited about the project that I had lost my patience.
When we loose our patience, we exhibit worry and anger. If we are the boss, we have a tendency to want to jump in to the project and start micromanaging.
So what should you do when you feel you patience is waning on a project?
- Take a deep breath: Step back from the project. Go spend a few days helping someone else with their project. Then come back with fresh eyes.
- Re-read the Law of Patience: Since I got that gentle rebuke from a project lead, I’ve gone back and refreshed my memory with the 7 Laws. Each one of us needs to be reminded from time to time.
- Find a coach/mentor: Find someone who you can check your concerns with. You might be valid in your concern – but then again, you could be inpatient.
- Get Perspective: Take a vacation. Get away from it all and don’t think about work. You don’t want to the turn into “that person”.
Innovation takes longer than you expect. Get used to it.
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