Ethnography and Life Caching

Dateline: Amsterdam Segment 1: Using ethnography to identify ideas from your customers – Develop holistic view of the customer needs (e.g. transportation) – Expose and record “tribal knowledge” (things that people do automatically) – Identify customer frustrations and areas or less than optimal efficiency. Segment 2: Weak Signals – Life Caching Segment 3: Killer Question […]

Creating an Innovation Culture

Dateline: Washington D.C. Segment 1: Creating an Innovation Culture Segment 2: Example Killer Innovation – Hint: Cheaper by the dozen Segment 3: Killer Question of the Week Apple Podcasts | RSS | More

Idea Quota and Twinsumer

Dateline: Washington D.C. Segment 1: Idea Quota – 40 to 50 ideas per brainstorming session if just 1 person – 120 to 140 ideas per brainstorming session of a team Segment 2: Weak Signal/Twinsumer Visit: for more information Segment 3: Killer Question of the Week Apple Podcasts | RSS | More

Fast Prototyping

  Segment 1: Fast Prototyping Fast (hours, days) versus rapid (weeks, months) Fast prototypes are not functional Focus on early and quick customer feedback Fast prototypes are built by the inventors and not ‘model’ builders Segment 2: Example of a Killer Innovation Segment 3: Killer Question of the Week Apple Podcasts | RSS […]

Redefining the Innovation Opportunity – How to redefine the problem to uncover the breakthrough idea

  Dateline: Washington D.C. Segment 1: Redefining the Innovation Opportunity Level 1: Design a mousepad Level 2: Design a new environment for a mouse Level 3: Design a new hand inteface for a computer Segment 2: Weak Signals: TWEENS Segment 3: Killer Question of the Week Listener Questions: Recording equipment used Notebooks for ideas […]

Biology Based Innovations – Biomimicry – Using biology as a source for ideas and innovations

Dateline: Washington D.C. (on my way to San Francisco and LA) Topic: Biomimicry – The use of biology as a source for ideas and innovations This podcast diverges from the standard format and shares an interview with Janine Benys, author of “Biomimicry: Innovations Inspired by Nature”. This interview was provided by: Massive Change Radio (, […]

Emergent Innovations

Dateline: Washington D.C. Segment 1: Emergent Innovations Basic characteristics … – Culture of experimentation/risk taking – Self organizing knowledge systems (e.g. Wiki, Blogs, Communities) – Strong network of relationships – Multiple skills (diversity) – Flexible team structures – Simple rules (min specification, diffusion of authority, widespread availability of info) – Minimize boundries Emergent Innovation example: […]

Innovation Success Rate

Dateline: Washington D.C. Segment 1: Innovation Success Rate Link to Business Week August 1st list of innovation success rate Link to add your thoughts/comments @ the KI Community Segment 2: Applying Killer Innovations Segment 3: Killer Question of the Week Apple Podcasts | RSS | More

Collaborating for Innovation

Dateline: Washington D.C. Segment 1: Collaboration for Innovation Motivation for collaboration Criteria for collaboration Innovation challenge (innovation gap and innovation delay) Strong ties -vs- weak ties Vertical networks -vs- horizontal networks Importance of social capital Segment 2: Weak Signals – Using magazines as a source of inspiration Art ID Magazine ( Dynamic Graphics ( HOW […]