It takes innovation leadership skills to win in the highly competitive world these days. While most will try to rest on the traditional management and leadership skills to succeed in their careers as executives, its those that innovate their leadership skills for innovation that will achieve career success. So what are the differences?

Below is a brief summary of the highlights from the podcast.
Leadership Skills
- Integrity
- Vision/Strategy
- Communication
- Relationships
- Persuasion
- Adaptability/Flexibility
- Teamwork
- Coaching & Development
- Decision Making
- Planning (my weakest skill)
Innovation Leadership Skills
- Innovation leadership means taking risks
- Innovation is about constantly looking for new opportunities and threats
- Innovation is about change. Foster a culture where change is expected.
- Don’t rest on traditional management and leadership techniques. Every project and situation is different.
- Innovators are optimists. Show it in your leadership style.
- Innovators cut through the crap.
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