When I started the podcast, I had no idea where that path would lead me. Over the 11 years, the show has gone through a number of transitions. The latest being that it is now a weekly live talk radio show syndicated on the BizTalk Radio Network of AM and FM radio stations across the US.
The show is a 1 hour live show on Sundays at 5:00PM Eastern – 2:00PM Pacific and can be listenedlive on BizTalk Radio site or you can download the BizTalk apps for iOS and Android.
The weekly show will then be edited/produced and released as our normal weekly podcast through our normal podcasting networks (e.g. iTunes, Soundcloud, etc).
While you will still get the show as a podcast, those listening live will be able to participate by asking questions or offering your ideas and comments.
This post is for show #1 – what I’m referring to as the “prototype” show.
NOTE: I would love your comments/feedback/suggestions as we attempt to “innovate” live radio. Please add them to the comments below.
Show notes for this weeks show:
- Anything and everything can be innovated:
- Business model
- Customer service
- Processes
- Sales
- Advertising
- Expense Reporting
- how you raise money to fund your idea
- Even how to clean the bathrooms
- What is a killer innovation? A killer innovation is a significant and highly profitable departure from current offerings or practices that would be difficult to duplicate
- Significant – unique idea/approach that is not just an extension to what already exists today.
- Highly profitable – create entirely new industries/markets with a profit stream that creates growth, jobs economies and wealth
- Difficult to duplicate – create a barrier for others to take it away .. Could be speed of innovation (can’t catch you).
- Types of innovation antibodies?
- The Ego Antibody
- “Oh I already thought of that a long time ago.”
- “Somebody else has already come up with that idea.”
- “I have something better.”
- The Fatigued Antibody
- “You’ll never get approval.”
- “We tried that before.”
- “Who’s going to do it?”
- “It won’t fit our operation.”
- The No-Risk Antibody
- “Not enough return on investment.”
- “We can’t afford that.”
- The Comfort Antibody
- “We’ve always done it this way.”
- “Our customer likes it this way.”
- “Don’t rock the boat.”
- At some point — sometimes we are the anti-body
- We get comfortable with how “it’s always been done”
- “this worked for me in the past”
- “I’m the expert — I’ve done this before”
- The Ego Antibody
This weeks Killer Question: What are the assumptions under which my INDUSTRY operates?
Further questions to consider:
- Why is your industry structured the way it is?
- What are the rules for how your industry interacts with customers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, etc.?
- What would be the effect on your business if these assumptions changed? Which of these assumptions could you change that would radically alter your position in the industry?
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