Getting Comfortable Taking Innovation Risks – Getting over your fear of something going wrong
So … you’ve come up with that killer idea. To move it forward, you need to take some risk. Risk that could include: investing your retirement fund, quitting your job and possibly including convincing others to invest their retirement fund and quitting their job to join you. Suddenly you hesitate … the risk seems enormous […]

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How To Uncover Emerging Trends And Weak Signals
During a recent press interview, I was asked by a reporter for my view on what the next “hot” thing will be. A question that is becoming more common with each press interview given the current market conditions. I shared a few trends of personal interest that I’ve been tracking. So, what is the […]

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Using Creativity To Create A Killer Career – Using questions to think differently about your career
I’m amazed at the breadth of human ingenuity to solve social, economic, political and even technical challenges. The one area where I don’t see ingenuity applied nearly as much is when it comes to planning our careers and preparing future job prospects. Can you apply the same killer question approach to planning your career? YES! […]
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Telling Your Idea Story – Create a convincing story so that others will sacrifice to make your idea successful
How do you create a convincing message so that others will sacrifice to make your idea successful? Its all about storytelling. If you follow the same structure used by movie industry and by book authors, you can create a story that will attract others to your killer idea. What is that structure? Stimulate their emotion […]
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How To Estimate The Value Of An Idea
So you have a great idea. How big is it? What is the value of the idea to the organization? Most people get hung up trying to come up with the exact answer. In most cases, you won’t find the perfect answer. Especially if you are breaking new ground. What I find lacking is the […]
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Improve Innovation Adoption By Communicating The Utility and Cost Benefit
Why are some innovations more successful than others? Innovation success is never just about what is possible. It’s always about the choices customers and markets make from among what we can do. A key consideration when making the choices on which innovations to us is the “total utility” — which is defined as: The sum […]
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Career Advice For Finding The Dream Innovation Job
Finding that dream job in the innovation/creativity economy seems out of reach to many. It’s not. With the right level of commitment, energy and passion, you can land that job. What is your dream innovation job? Some may say that I have the dream job and I would have to agree. Now that doesn’t mean […]
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Proving The Value Of Innovation – How do you prove to management that innovation is important?
Innovation is one of the key catalysts from the economic recovery – but only if senior management protects and support it, rather than cut it or even eliminate it. The reason senior managers consider cutting innovation programs is because of the impression that it delivers little to no impact. Are there ways to prove the […]

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